First, I want to thank everyone who reads this story... you've been so kind and very patient with me. ^_^
and Jules, welcome to my blog! hope you enjoy your stay. :)
Let's continue, shall we?
Untitled 1.6.
A Flashback ~
People tell me you usually get homesick for the first couple of weeks, especially if you moved to a different continent. You always have this urge inside your head to go back home. Whenever you sleep, how you'd wish tomorrow when you wake up, everything is just a dream and everything is back to 'normal'. Well I tell you, they're lying.
6 months later, I found myself still depressed and my clothes are still in my luggage. I never removed them, because putting them in a cabinet would make things official. I'm officially here on the other side of the world, away from everything and everyone that truly matters. Maybe I sound dramatic, but I was pathetically dramatic then. After two days in the US, I sent my mama a text message saying that "I'm going back home, I'm gonna give up my greencard. I don't like it here." Unfortunately, she forwarded my message to my dad. And the scenario, not really pretty. I got the lecture of my life. pfft!
So I made this plan, get a job so I can save up $700 for my one-way fare back to the Philippines.
As time went on, and after two temporary jobs that lasted less than a month.... that plan wasn't even realistic. Why would I go back when I'm right here to have a 'better life'... right? If I leave now, I'd go home broke PLUS with a very pissed-off family.
Second plan: persuade dad to finance a business venture in the Philippines.
You don't know how much it meant for me when he said, "show me your plan... make a case study... and we'll see." those words gave me soooo much hope. Right away I started researching about internet cafes, everyday I wrote drafts on my business plans/studies, got quotations for computer prices, etc. Dad said he'll look at it once he visits. And then THAT day came, I was really nervous when I handed him the folder with my "CyberNet" business plan. With the very small amount of dollar I've earned, I printed those 30-something page document in the library...
I don't remember what happened to that study... I just heard the words "can't", "failed", "be realistic" and... I think, I tore the papers in front of him.
I hope you have the slightest idea why.
He asked why I did that.. I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.
Right now you'll probably ask, ohhh... so that's what happened to YOU. Does this have anything to do with this story... this B1 & B2 frendship?
Hold on... we'll get there.
Even after all the changes that happened.. and even if we're far apart, Ma'am G remained my bestfriend. I tell her everything... like everything everything. Thanks to the free internet access of SJ Libraries, we can email or chat almost everyday...
On a random note, this reminds me of an inquiry from my mama from years before, "You see each other everyday, what else do you have to talk about?"
Gee.. I dunno. Everything.. I tell her what happened with my sisters, with work, how pissed I was with my co-workers, how depressed I was with my life, and my hope of coming back home. She knows every little bit of me. To be honest, my only fear during that time was losing my bestfriend. She's the only stable force in my life. I didn't want to be forgotten, to be replaced, whatsoever. It's really different when you have someone to tell your troubles... even when its shallow... someone who'll tell you you're being stupidly dramatic but understand you all the same.
(to be continued)